- commit a blunder
- совершить большую ошибку
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь. 2013.
commit a blunder — make a mistake … English contemporary dictionary
blunder — I n. 1) to commit, make a blunder 2) a costly, egregious, fatal, glaring, grave, serious, stupid, terrible blunder 3) a blunder to + inf. (it was a blunder to invite them) II v. (d; intr.) to blunder on, upon ( to happen on ) * * * [ blʌndə]… … Combinatory dictionary
commit — vb 1 Commit, entrust, confide, consign, relegate are comparable when they mean to assign to a person or place for some definite end or purpose (as custody or safekeeping). Commit is the widest term; it may express merely the general idea of… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
blunder — Synonyms and related words: absurdity, act of folly, bad job, be all thumbs, bevue, blooper, blow, blunder away, blunder into, blunder on, blunder upon, bobble, boggle, bollix, bonehead play, boner, boo boo, botch, bull, bumble, bungle, butcher,… … Moby Thesaurus
blunder upon — Synonyms and related words: alight upon, be all thumbs, blunder, blunder away, blunder into, blunder on, boggle, botch, bumble, bump into, bungle, butcher, chance upon, come across, come on, come up against, come upon, commit a gaffe, discover… … Moby Thesaurus
commit — v.tr. (committed, committing) 1 (usu. foll. by to) entrust or consign for: a safe keeping (I commit him to your care). b treatment, usu. destruction (committed the book to the flames). 2 perpetrate, do (esp. a crime, sin, or blunder). 3 pledge,… … Useful english dictionary
blunder — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, colossal, great, huge, major ▪ one of the greatest policy blunders in history ▪ serious, terrible … Collocations dictionary
commit — verb Commit is used with these nouns as the object: ↑abuse, ↑act, ↑adultery, ↑assault, ↑atrocity, ↑blasphemy, ↑blunder, ↑breach, ↑burglary, ↑crime, ↑deed, ↑error … Collocations dictionary
put one's foot in it — Commit a blunder … A concise dictionary of English slang
put one's foot in it — (informal) To spoil anything by some tactless blunder or remark • • • Main Entry: ↑foot * * * put one s foot in it (or put one s foot in one s mouth) informal say or do something tactless or embarrassing; commit a blunder or indiscretion … Useful english dictionary
perpetrate — [pʉr′pə trāt΄] vt. perpetrated, perpetrating [< L perpetratus, pp. of perpetrare, to commit, perpetrate, orig., to bring about, achieve < per, thoroughly + patrare, to effect, prob. orig. a ritual term < pater,FATHER, priest] 1. to do or … English World dictionary